Planning Applications outstanding as at 16th October 2023

Planning Applications outstanding as at 16TH OCTOBER 2023

Updated as at 16th October 2023

Yapton Parish Council – Planning Committee

Schedule of Planning Applications received, comments submitted and applications decided between January 2023 to 16th October 2023

Plus applications received in 2021 & 2022 and not decided until 2023

Planning List Number

Date Planning Application received

Planning Application Reference

Planning Application, Location, Applicant, Case Officer

Comments submitted or Dates due for submission

24 _ Additional



Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the development of up to 1,500 dwellings (Use Class C3), 60-bed care home (Use Class C2), up to 9,000 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Classes B1), local centre of up to 2,350 sqm including up to 900 sqm retail / commercial (Use Classes A1-A5) and 1,450 sqm community / leisure floorspace (Use Classes D1-D2), land for a two-form entry primary school (Use Class D1), public open space, allotments, new sports pitches and associated facilities, drainage, parking and associated access, infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works, including demolition of existing buildings and part removal of existing runway hardstanding. This application affects a Public Right of Way. This application is the subject of an Environmental Statement. This application may affect the setting of a Listed Building. This application falls within CIL Zone 1 - Zero Rated.

Land at Ford Airfield


Applicant: Redrow Homes Southern Counties

Case Officer: Raymond Cole 

Received 15/06/2020

Comments due to ADC by 06/07/2020

Revised deadline for comments:


Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally 14/07/2023


Land at Ford Airfield Ford

Response to Planning Ref F/4/20/OUT

July 6th 2020

Yapton Parish Council have fully considered the above application and note that it reflects both the ALP and Ford NP.

YPC would comment that whilst the application is for outline consent with some matters reserved, YPC’s support is conditional upon the following factors being addressed during the planning process:

1.         Traffic

YPC continue to have strong reservations concerning the impact of the traffic generated from this large Strategic Housing Scheme on both the village of Yapton plus surrounding Parishes.

It should be noted that there are already major local traffic problems in the Ford area, notably the Ford Road northern junction with the A27 Arundel and Ford Road southern junction with the A259. Both junctions are at full capacity and suffer severe congestion. It should also be noted that Ford Lane is an unclassified road. There is no doubt whatsoever that traffic will increase considerably and impact adversely on the already unacceptable traffic congested roads with increased traffic movements in the immediate area and villages.

YPC have grave concerns regarding the lack of detail relating to managing the additional traffic generation from the new housing site and its inevitable implications. YPC seek a permanent solution to the traffic congestion problem within the Ford, Clymping and Yapton Areas which would ensure safer village centres and traffic being directed towards A-roads and away from unclassified roads such as Ford Lane.

The applicant appears vague on any mitigating measures to be adopted to relieve the added congestion on both Ford Lane and North End level crossings.

Both level crossings currently experience high usage, any additional traffic in the area would create unacceptable traffic queues and tailbacks on both sides of the crossing.

The barrier down time at both Ford and Yapton CCTV crossings is already high causing long tailbacks in both directions leading to frustration from motorists and frequent requests to Network Rail for information relating to this. Any increase in road traffic at these crossings would create a longer waiting time for motorists leading to a much higher risk of red light jumping and general crossing misuse.

This development is also likely to generate rail trips at Ford Station therefore adding to the current tailbacks and blocking back issues in the AM and PM peaks. During this time the ‘drop offs’ and ‘pick ups’ are higher and can cause motorists to manoeuvre in the road causing obstructions to through users of Ford MCB level crossing.

YPC note and share Network Rail’s deep concern regarding traffic and this scheme.

2.         Village Boundaries/Local Gaps

YPC are deeply concerned that the western edge of the proposal will lead to the erosion of the physical and visual gap between the two parishes. Such erosion will lead to the coalescence of the two Parishes, a factor strongly resisted by all residents who all seek to maintain their individual village identity through space and actual physical built environment.

There is a genuine concern that the loss of any visual landscaped gap will remove Yapton’s rural identity. In gaining Ford’s much desired identity Yapton will merely coalesce into a urban overspill of Ford losing its identity.

YPC therefore look for a scheme that gives more attention to its western boundary and its relationship with neighbouring Yapton. This is an opportunity to create green lungs between villages and strong green connectivity corridors such an opportunity must not be lost.

3.         Connectivity

YPC and its residents have a strong desire to ensure that all new developments within and adjoining the Parish are connected via multi-user routes and good use of new open space or landscaped through ways. This will ensure that new development blends visually with existing and allows improved off-road connectivity for all residents throughout the village and neighbouring Parishes enabling strong safe links with the existing cycleway network.

Such routes can be dual-purpose; as a safe route to the Yapton’s primary school which no doubt will be used by the first residents within the proposal along with a safe route to Yapton’s local facilities and vica versa when Ford’s facilities gradually come out of the ground.

This connectively can utilise existing PRoW and open the surrounding countryside to all residents thus promoting wellbeing and healthy lifestyles.

With regard to the existing PRoWs linking Ford to Yapton, YPC expect them to be reinstated and upgraded to allow multi use ensuring that it a public right of way for the whole community and not simply the fully able. It must be recognised that these PRoWs are currently rural footpaths linking open fields to the public. YPC expect the PRoW to have improved landscaping to ensure that the PRoW maintains the ‘illusion’ of a rural route.

4.         Conservation area/Design

Any scheme must reflect the area’s rural heritage and not simply focus on the former airfield. Especially where most of the housing is located with the former airfield’s outer curtilage used as open agricultural land.

5.         Housing Mix

The proposed housing mix must account for Parish need and not purely District requirements. There is high demand for downsizers to relocate to bungalow type dwellings which are more suited to their demographic profile. The addition of such housing would release existing housing stock in the area and would become the catalyst to recycling existing housing stock.

YPC would also expect that any section 106 agreement will ensure that adequate provision is made towards the both the proposed new primary school and Yapton Church of England Primary School where it will support the scheme for many years before Ford’s primary school opens. YPC would also seek health contributions to be made towards a new medical centre in Ford or equivalent within the Yapton, Ford and Clymping area. YPC also believe that any secondary school contributions must be for students in the 6 village area alone and not for secondary schools that draw on a wider catchment due to their selective nature.

YPC will support this outline application with reservations. YPC request that strong conditions are placed to address its key concerns, namely – treatment of traffic especially with regard to the level crossings, ensuring adequate open green space delineating both Parishes and strong local green connectivity with non-vehicular PRoW.

Andrew Gardiner

Clerk to Yapton Parish Council

08 Supplementary



Outline planning application (with all matters reserved except for access) for the development of up to 1,500 dwellings (Use Class C3), 60-bed care home (Use Class C2), up to 9,000 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Classes B1), local centre of up to 2,350 sqm including up to 900 sqm retail / commercial (Use Classes A1-A5) and 1,450 sqm community / leisure floorspace (Use Classes D1-D2), land for a two-form entry primary school (Use Class D1), public open space, allotments, new sports pitches and associated facilities, drainage, parking and associated access, infrastructure, landscape, ancillary and site preparation works, including demolition of existing buildings and part removal of existing runway hardstanding. This application affects a Public Right of Way. This application is the subject of an Environmental Statement. This application may affect the setting of a Listed Building. This application falls within CIL Zone 1 - Zero Rated.

Land at Ford Airfield Ford

Applicant: Redrow Homes and Wates Developments

Case Officer: Mr R. Cole

Received 22/02/2021

Comments due to ADC by 12/03/2021


Comments Submitted:

The Ford Master Plan additional information as considered the Parish Council's Planning Committee on the 8th March 2021 agreed that there was nothing extra to add to comments already submitted.

Current Status

Approved Conditionally 14/07/2023





Erection of 9 No dwellings with associated access, car ports, parking and landscaping. This

application may affect the setting of a listed building, may affect the character and appearance of the

Main Road/Church Road

Conservation Area, is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in

CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings.

Barns South of Stakers Farm

North End Road


Applicant: Dandara Southern Ltd

Case Officer: Mr S. Davis

Received 21/10/2022

Comments due to ADC by 17/11/2022

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally at Committee on 11/01/2023


Response submitted on Y/124/22/PL

The following is the full response to the above planning application. I am sending this direct to you as it exceeds the number of characters for direct input on to the planning portal. I have registered it as an objection, but the response asks for a deferral to consider the matters outlined in our response. I have made a summary comment on the entry in the portal alerting people to look elsewhere for the Parish’s full response.


Barns South of Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton 

Erection of 9 No dwellings with associated access, car ports, parking and landscaping. This application may affect the setting of a listed building, may affect the character and appearance of the Main Road/Church Road Conservation Area, is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings

YPC has carefully considered the above application. YPC expresses its disappointed that the applicant has not engaged with the Parish to discuss the principles of the scheme in terms of density, housing type and its vital status to guaranteeing a fully accessible green multiuser public pathway linking all housing to the south of the site/farm track to Yapton Primary school and the public right of way network in the north of the village. The ability to link the whole village safely to the Primary school via a green multiuser public right of way is essential to encourage the Parish’s children’s wellbeing and encourage reduced car journeys on the local road network. 

YPC recognise that the proposal lies outside the BUAB and more importantly sits adjacent to both the Main Road/Church Road conservation area and curtilage of the listed building and farmyard of Stakers Farm. For these reasons alone the proposal should be refused. 

 However, YPC recognise the exceptional circumstances of this site; namely the plot is bounded by new housing along its western and southern boundaries and adjacent to the listed built forms of Stakers Farm to the east. The plot could be perceived as infill. YPC whilst accepting this principle does have grave concerns about the impact of the proposal on both the listed Stakers Farm complex, conservation area and the proposed open space/playing field on its northern boundary. 

 YPC therefore request that the proposal is amended to reflect both the importance of Stakers Farm and the location of the proposal’s plot. 

 YPC believe that the proposal is too dense in terms of built area for the plot. Especially where the thread of design for both of the adjoining new housing schemes has been to reduce density at their respective outer boundary edges. This proposal fails to continue or indeed reflect this established principle. 

 YPC would encourage a more appropriate housing mix. YPC require this plot to accommodate housing for the future i.e. fully accessible housing for the less able thus blending in with the scheme to the south of the site. Yapton has a strong demand for bungalows and suitable accessible housing for the less mobile and would expect this plot to accommodate such accommodation. In providing such accommodation this would encourage an active recycling of existing housing stock within the Parish by enabling downsizing for empty nesters and upsizing for young families into older housing stock within the Parish. 

 YPC are deeply concerned with the proposed materials. The site forms part of the setting and visibility splays of both the listed buildings and conservation area. The materials used must reflect the historic nature of the site especially that of the adjoining flint barn. 

 YPC also note that the existing farm track leading west of the site is not going to be utilised as a vital green route/lung connecting this whole area with the new housing to south and on to key existing footpaths and proposed green routes in YPC emerging Neighbourhood Plan. YPC expect that this track is designated as a green route/public multiuser byway. This track is vital to guaranteeing the safe passage of all children living south of Main Road including the new emerging estates of Bonham’s Field and Drove Lane (SD7) to Yapton Primary School by foot. A full right of way must be established to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all school children and nursery children to travel safely by foot to the school via an off-road green route.  

 YPC also note the lack of provision of biodiverse space and would expect the farm track to be utilised as such and not as extension to existing private gardens. The current proposal fails to provide any community or environmental benefit. Green connectivity and biodiverse space throughout the village is an essential legacy that this Parish requires. Changing the use of this vital link to private gardens is a missed opportunity and of little benefit to the community 

 YPC would only support this application if the points raised above are fully considered. YPC therefore request that this proposal is DEFERRED until these matters are fully addressed. 




Change of use of existing garage to 1 No 3 bed dwelling, separate to the main dwelling, including side extension. This site is in CIL Zone 2 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.


Bilsham Road


Applicant: Mr G. Poston

Case Officer: Louise Shaw

Received 28/10/2022

Comments due to ADC by 24/11/2022

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 06/01/2023




Variation of conditions 2, 9, 12 and 15 imposed under Y/93/22/PL relating to surface water drainage scheme, management and maintenance regime and construction works details of foul water drainage system, landscaping scheme and details for plots 5 & 6 to meet the requirements of M4(2) of the Building Regulations 2010 (which previously varied condition 2 of Y/158/21/PL).

The Steddles

North End Road


Applicant: Pallant Homes Limited

Case Officer: Mr S. Davis 

Received 04/11/2022

Comments due to ADC by 13/01/2023

Comments Submitted:

No objection

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 31/01/2023




1 No dwelling including the reuse of part of the existing outbuilding, existing leylandii boundary hedge

will be removed and replaced with a 1.8m close boarded fence, planted with native hedgerow and garden redesign. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan, affects the setting of listed buildings and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwelling.

Bilsham Manor

Bilsham Lane


Applicant: Mr D Robinson

Case Officer: Maria Tomalova 

Received 25/11/2022

Comments due to ADC by 22/12/2022

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Refused on 10/02/2023

YPC insist that the building's massing, ridge height and proximity to both the listed building and it's setting must be subservient to the Manor House.

Should the application be granted planning YPC insist that conditions must be attached to any consent requiring all materials must reflect the aesthetic and historic heritage of the surrounding buildings.




Listed building consent for 1 No dwelling including the reuse of part of the existing outbuilding, existing leylandii boundary hedge will be removed and replaced with a 1.8m close boarded fence, planted with native hedgerow and garden redesign.

Bilsham Manor

Bilsham Lane


Applicant: Mr D Robinson

Case Officer: Maria Tomalova 

Received 25/11/2022

Comments due to ADC by 22/12/2022

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Withdrawn on 15/06/2023

YPC insist that the building's massing, ridge height and proximity to both the listed building and it's setting must be subservient to the Manor House.

Should the application be granted planning YPC insist that conditions must be attached to any consent requiring all materials must reflect the aesthetic and historic heritage of the surrounding buildings.




Application to enter into a Deed of Variation to modify the affordable housing clause in the section 106 dated 21-11-19 linked to Y/88/18/OUT.

Land on the north side of

North End Road


Applicant: Synergy Housing Ltd

 Case Officer: Mr S. Davis 

Received 25/11/2022

Comments due to ADC by 22/12/2022

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Approved on 05/01/2023




Application to enter into a Deed of Variation to modify the affordable housing clause in the section 106 dated 11-12-18 linked to Y/44/17/OUT.

Land at Stakers Farm

North End Road


Applicant: Synergy Housing Ltd

Case Officer: Mr S. Davis 

Received 04/11/2022

Comments due to ADC by 01/12/2022

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Approved on 05/01/2023




Front extension, changes to fenestration/openings following removal of rear conservatory and detached swimming pool cover.

Old Granary

Bilsham Lane



Applicant: Mr and Mrs Morgan

Case Officer: Louise Shaw

Received 06/01/2023

Comments due to ADC by 03/02/2023

Comments Submitted:

None submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 08/02/2023




Erection of 20 dwellings (including 6 affordable units) with new access, open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, biodiversity mitigation and associated works.


This application is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL liable as new dwellings and is a Departure from the Development Plan. The proposal may affect the

setting of the Main Road/Church Road, Yapton Conservation Area.

Land West of Drove Lane

Main Road


Applicant: Landlink Estates Ltd

Case Officer: Mr S Davis

Received 13/01/2023

Comments due to ADC by 15/02/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED ON 04/04/2023

Parish Response to Planning Reference Y/149/22/PL

Land West of Drove Lane Main Road Yapton BN18 0DZ

Erection of 20 dwellings (including 6 affordable units) with new access, open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, biodiversity mitigation and associated works

Yapton Parish Council (YPC) has given careful consideration to the above application for 20 dwellings at land west of Drove Lane Main Road, Yapton and strongly object to housing at this location.

YPC would reiterate its strong reluctance at losing open agricultural land especially open space that is key to the setting of a conservation area and historic Portsmouth and Arundel Canal to non-designated speculative housing development. YPC therefore strongly object to this proposal that will have both a detrimental impact on the historic nature of this location and importance of its setting along the Yapton Road, B2233.

The B2233 Yapton Road/Main Road is the ‘gateway’ to Yapton’s historic quarter and informs the present day of Yapton’s rural identity, a highly valued characteristic which is clearly reflected in the master planning of SD7/Drove Lane development and its use of agricultural open space on the ‘Lambs Field’ fronting the B2233.

YPC have worked closely with ADC in contributing positively towards ADC’s Non-strategic Housing Delivery Policy  (ALP 12.1.11) despite this policy now being abandoned by ADC without full and proper consultation with Parishes and the communities impacted by this Council led decision. YPC has, in full cooperation, increased its original Parish housing allocation through supporting applications Y/44/17/OUT (70 units) and Y49/18/PL (10 units) increasing its intended Parish allocation to 110 units.  Planning has also been granted for additional non designated housing sites totalling an additional 405 units above YPC’s original housing allocation. This excludes the additional small strategic housing site SD7 (550 units) which provides a combined total to 1,065 additional dwellings. Over 50% of these sites are in build or complete with the outstanding sites.

YPC does not regard this application as being an appropriate addition to Yapton’s housing supply or indeed a positive contribution to YPC’s existing social fabric or environment placing future resident’s wellbeing at risk.

YPC strongly object to this application on the following grounds:

1.       Location and Character of the Site

The site is situated 0.5 miles west of the village centre. It lies outside the villages’ BUAB as designated within the ALP 2011-2031 and YNP along with the emerging modified YNP2.

The parcel of land is clearly identified as rural hinterland being physically separated by Drove Lane and the ‘Lambs Field’. The site is also set amongst primarily open space/agricultural land and forms an important green edge to the village and former Portsmouth and Arundel Canal. A new housing estate in this location would be wholly inappropriate.

2.       Planning

The proposal fails to meet key policy criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and more importantly those of the ALP 2011- 2031 and YNP, lying outside the existing built-up areas as defined in the ALP.

The applicant seems to rely heavily on the outcomes of the HELAA which YPC caution should be regarded as an informative and not as a policy document.

The current made YNP 2014 the following policies are relevant.

3.2.1   The site is a departure from the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan being outside the designated built-up area boundary, policy BB1.

3.2.2   The site fails to reflect the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan housing policy H1 and is not an allocated site.

This proposal is not plan led and firmly places the local community’s needs and infrastructure deficiencies as a low priority. Whilst the 5 year housing supply is important it should not be the dominant factor determining the sustainability of a non-designated residential proposal lying outside the BUAB.

3.       Housing Need

Arun District Council’s shortfall in meeting its 5 year housing supply should not be the sole factor in determining whether speculative non designated non infill housing should be allowed on greenfield sites which and located away from the actual granular District need.

The Government has directed decision making away from the binary 5 year supply process towards one which is driven by genuine immediate local community need and environmental/social benefit. YPC is of the view, that on a local level, Yapton has contributed positively to ADC’s housing requirement - 1,000+ new houses built or in build over the last 5 years. Further additional housing in the Parish will now have a significant and detrimental impact on the Parish’s facilities and existing infrastructure and community’s wellbeing. The speed of growth over the last 5 years within the village has not been met by improvement and upgrade of community facilities appropriate to a village that has seen its housing provision baseline double in size. This unplanned growth has failed to provide genuine homes for real local Yapton families it has merely eroded the existing community fabric and placed incredible pressure on all community facilities which are all oversubscribed – primary school, doctor’s surgery, youth facilities etc.

It should be noted that the 2015 IMD deprivation Index clearly illustrates that Yapton has been consistently failed from investment in improving education, child poverty, health and accommodating the needs of the elderly. Whereas, barriers to housing services, are not regarded as a significant barrier to the Parish.

4.  The Proposal

4.1 Layout

The scheme is presented as an isolated site with poor sustainable links to the Yapton village and its facilities.

The scheme fails to draw upon or even reflect the historic nature of the few linear/ribbon settlements which lie along this section of the B2233 in terms of density, scale or vernacular. There appears a total disregard of the historic Portsmouth and Arundel Canal and its need for a genuine deep open landscaped setting to persevere and offset its historic importance.

The scheme is divorced from and fails to relate to the main BUAB. It simply stands as an isolated satellite housing estate bring no architectural or community benefit to the parish and its defined BUAB.

4.2 Transport/Sustainable links

The Parish has concerns regarding the transport solution/access to the proposal. The increased traffic movements will conflict with existing traffic flows. It will also conflict with the two new estate roads servicing housing schemes Drove Lane (SD7 550 units in build) and Bonhams Fields both exiting onto this section of the B2233 and all within 30m of each other.

The access solution is also in direct conflict with the scout hut and nursery building.

YPC note that there are no proposals to provide any footpaths or cycle ways to safely connect this satellite housing estate to Yapton village and its community facilities. Safe sustainable links around the village which will divert pedestrians, cyclists, and other users away from the main road network onto a safer and more appropriate village green network must be incorporated within any new scheme thus promoting a healthy environment.

YPC would expect sustainable links improved and developed to allow the safe eventual passage of both pedestrians and cyclists to Barnham Rial station.

4.3 Social

Yapton Primary School remains oversubscribed with no immediate start date for its expansion plans. Until this has been accommodated no further housing should be allowed in the Parish.

It is also acknowledged that the medical provision in the village has reached capacity thus being unable to meet any new resident’s needs. YPC fail to see how this development can enhance the existing community until these shortfalls are overcome and proper future provision accounted.

5.  Flooding

YPC have grave concerns relating to flooding and continuous ongoing surface water flooding along this section of the B2233. The loss of this greenfield site to a built environment will merely exacerbate the current flooding problem further.

YPC also note the planning application’s absence of an acceptable FRA & Drainage Strategy and insist that an up to date report in accordance with the NPPF, PPG Flood risk and coastal change or local policies is produced before any decision is made on this application.

6.       Conclusion

YPC view this proposal as being totally disconnected from Yapton and its facilities.

YPC has contributed positively towards Arun District Council’s housing supply on a District level and more than adequately allowed for the Parish’s actual immediate local need; significant weight must be placed on the both the Environmental and Social Benefits of this scheme.

YPC are of the view that the scheme fails to reflect the heritage of this rural part of Yapton and degrades the appearance of the Portsmouth and Arundel Canal. It will increase the current flooding problem in this location. The social benefits are non-existent especially when considering there are no comprehensive proposed improvements to sustainable transport to ensure safe green connectivity with Yapton’s facilities and Barnham rail station.

YPC therefore request that this application is refused planning permission.




Proposed single storey rear

extension and garage conversion.

38 Goodhew Close


Applicant: Mr W Harris

 Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 27/01/2023

Comments due to ADC by 02/03/2023

Comments Submitted:

No Objection

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 21/03/2023




Erection of 4. No dwellings

comprising 2 x 3-bed and 2 x 4-bed detached houses with associated garages, parking, landscaping and

internal access road. This

application affects the setting of listed buildings, affects the character and appearance of the Main

Road/Church Road Conservation Area and is in CIL Zone 2 and is CIL

Liable as new dwellings.

Paddock adjoining Stakers Farm

North End Road


Applicant:     Southward-Knightly Property Ltd

Case Officer: Maria Tomalova

Received 03/02/2023

Comments due to ADC by 02/03/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED ON 04/04/2023

Parish Response to Planning Reference Y/7/23/PL

Paddock adjoining Stakers Farm North End Road Yapton BN18 0DU

Erection of 4. No dwellings comprising 2 x 3-bed and 2 x 4-bed detached houses with associated garages, parking, landscaping and internal access road.

Yapton Parish Council (YPC) has given careful consideration to the above application for 4 dwellings located on the paddock fronting North End Road adjacent to Stakers Farm Yapton and strongly object to this proposal.

YPC would reiterate its strong reluctance at losing prominent open space that is outside the BUAB and key to the setting of a conservation area and grade 2 listed building to non-designated speculative housing development. YPC strongly object to this proposal having the opinion that it will have both a detrimental impact on the historic nature of this location and importance of its setting along the North End Road.

YPC have worked closely with ADC in contributing positively towards ADC’s Non-strategic Housing Delivery Policy  (ALP 12.1.11) despite this policy now being abandoned by ADC without full and proper consultation with Parishes and the communities impacted by this Council led decision. YPC has, in full cooperation, increased its original Parish housing allocation through supporting applications Y/44/17/OUT (70 units) and Y49/18/PL (10 units) increasing its intended Parish allocation to 110 units.  Planning has also been granted for additional non designated housing sites totalling an additional 405 units above YPC’s original housing allocation. This excludes the additional small strategic housing site SD7 (550 units) which provides a combined total to 1,065 additional dwellings. Over 50% of these sites are in build or completed.

YPC does not regard this application as being an appropriate addition to Yapton’s housing supply or indeed a positive contribution to YPC’s existing social fabric or environment placing future resident’s wellbeing and heritage at risk.

YPC strongly object to this application on the following grounds:

1.       Location and Character of the Site

The parcel of land is clearly acts as an important open space providing an appropriate setting for both the Grade 2 listed Stakers Farmhouse building and its associated farm buildings.

It should also be noted that the paddock is significantly higher in level terms than North End Road. Any new building on such elevated ground will have a significant detrimental impact on both the streetscape and nearby buildings, notably Stakers Farmhouse and its setting.

2.       Planning

The proposal fails to meet key policy criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and more importantly those of the ALP 2011- 2031 and YNP, lying outside the existing built-up areas as defined in the ALP.

This proposal is not plan led and firmly places the local community’s needs and infrastructure deficiencies as a low priority. Whilst the 5 year housing supply is important it should not be the dominant factor determining the sustainability of a non-designated residential proposal lying outside the BUAB. Both the environmental and heritage value of this site must be given due weight.

3.       Housing Need

Arun District Council’s shortfall in meeting its 5 year housing supply should not be the sole factor in determining whether speculative non designated housing should be allowed on greenfield sites which are located away from the actual granular District need.

The Government has directed decision making away from the binary 5 year supply process towards one which is driven by genuine immediate local community need and environmental/social benefit. YPC is of the view, that on a local level, Yapton has contributed positively to ADC’s housing requirement - 1,000+ new houses built or in build over the last 5 years.

4        The Proposal

4.1     Layout

The scheme fails to draw upon or even reflect the historic agricultural nature of its location. It fails to reflect the heritage of Stakers Farmhouse and its historic agricultural barns. The building lines of the proposal fail to recognise the set back nature of the existing built form bring its buildings close to North End Road opposed to being set back. This, coupled with the significant height of the site generates an overbearing-built form in an otherwise open streetscape.

4.2      Transport

The Parish has concerns regarding the access to the scheme and the accumulative impact on North End Road. This section of North End Road is prone to congestion due to conflict with the access point to the Avisford Surgery and overspill on-street parking resulting from both visitors to the surgery, nursing home and primary school.

YPC believe the current farm track to be unsuitable for an increase in traffic movements onto and off North End Road.

4.3     Environment

YPC fail to understand the environmental benefit in biodiversity terms in loosing a key parcel of open meadow and 5 mature trees to enable 4 large houses to be built. YPC would expect significant weigh to be placed on the biodiversity gain of this proposal when compared to its existing use. Presently there seems to be a significant shortfall.

5.       Conclusion

YPC view this proposal as wholly inappropriate in scale, built form and access terms for this location.

YPC has contributed positively towards Arun District Council’s housing supply on a District level and more than adequately allowed for the Parish’s actual immediate local need; significant weight must be placed on the Environmental and Social Benefits of this scheme. The scheme is clearly deficient in terms of biodiversity gain.

YPC are of the view that the scheme fails to reflect the heritage of this rural part of Yapton and degrades the appearance of both the conservation area and grade 2 listed building Stakers Farmhouse.

YPC therefore request that this application is refused planning permission.




Part single, part two storey rear extension and single storey side extension.

1 Railway Cottages

North End Road


Applicant: Mr Martin Osborne-Shaw

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 10/02/2023

Comments due to ADC by 10/03/2023

Comments Submitted:

No Objection

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 29/03/2023




First Floor loft extension

1, Lakers Cottages

North End Road


Applicant: Mr Craig Heslop

Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 24/02/2023

Comments due to ADC by 23/03/2023

Comments Submitted:

No Objection

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 13/04/2023




Proposed first floor balcony at the rear elevation

29 Charles Square


Applicant: Mr David Sutcliff

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 03/03/2023

Comments due to ADC by 30/03/2023

Comments Submitted:

No Objection

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 18/04/2023




Install new 1.8m close boarded timber fence and gate to west boundary and fence to east boundary to replace existing and infill 2 x existing dummy doors to south with brick. This application effects the setting of a Listed Building.

5 Hobbs Court,

The Potting Barn

Bilsham Road


Applicant: Mrs Dilys Lownsborough

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 10/03/2023

Comments due to ADC by 06/04/2023

Comments Submitted:

No Objection

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 28/04/2023




Amendment of existing implemented permission Y/92/17/OUT to remove condition 26 relating to Lifetime Home Standards and to regularise the previous approval of Y/21/21/NMA relating to the wording of conditions 9 and 12.

Land East of Drove Lane


Applicant: Barratt David Wilson Southern

Case Officer: Mr S. Davis

Received 17/03/2023

Comments due to ADC by 15/04/2023

Comments Submitted:

No Comments

Current Status

WITHDRAWN ON 16/08/2023




1 No non illuminated Diabond panel sign.

 Land at Bilsham Road


Applicant: Bilsham Road                     Development LLP

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 17/03/2023

Comments due to ADC by 15/04/2023

Comments Submitted:

No comments

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 05/05/2023




Demolition of existing garage to be replaced with 1 No new dwelling. This application affects the character and appearance of the Main Road/Church Road Yapton Conservation Area, affects the setting of listed buildings, is in CIL Zone 2 and is CIL liable as a new dwelling.

 Tyrolean Lodge

Main Road


Applicant: Mr J. Routledge

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 07/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 17/05/2023

Comments Submitted:

None submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 02/06/2023




Single storey rear extension to create an annexe.

Lake Barn

Maypole Lane


Applicant: Mrs J. Frost

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 07/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 17/05/2023

Comments Submitted:

None submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 25/05/2023




Construction of 6 No new dwellings with new access from Bilsham Road, sustainable drainage and landscaping. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan, may affect the setting of listed buildings and is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings.

Land adjacent to Little Meadow

Bilsham Road


Applicant: Ms Taylor C/O Nova Planning Building A

Case Officer: Simon Newall

Received 14/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 13/05/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED at Committee on 09/08/2023

Comments submitted on Y/31/23/HH


Construction of 6 No new dwellings with new access from Bilsham Road

Land adjacent to Little Meadow Bilsham Road Yapton BN18 0JY

YPC has fully considered the above application for 6 dwellings south of North End level crossing. YPC has objected to previous development proposals in the location primarily due to the location being divorced from the main community facilities within the village. YPC continues to have strong reservations towards the suitability of the location for new housing and to object to this application.

Whilst the application is a considerably smaller proposal to past applications, the prosed infrastructure is more appropriate to a support larger scheme. YPC therefore regard this application as a cynical approach to establish principles to base a larger proposal.

YPC continues to have grave concerns regarding the remoteness of the site and it's dependence on a new walkway to link the site more easily with existing PRoWs. The timing and confirmation of the implementation of this walkway must be confirmed before any proposal can be brought forward for consideration.

YPC strongly object to this proposal where is it clearly a departure from the Development Plan and outside the BUAB. In terms of sustainability the site is remote and inaccessible from all village facilities.

YPC strongly object to this application.




Demolition of existing single storey rear extension and erection of single storey rear extension and rear dormer.

Cosy Cot

Main Road


Applicant: Mr P Bucknell

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 21/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 20/05/2023

Comments Submitted:

None submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 06/06/2023




Change of use of brick built outbuilding to a beauty salon. This application is in CIL Zone 2 (Zero Rated) as other development.

66, Loveys Road


Applicant: SF Beauty

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 21/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 20/05/2023

Comments Submitted:

None submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 09/06/2023




Erection of 4 No dwellings with associated landscaping, access and parking. This application is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL zone 3 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings.

The Old Coal Yard

North End Road


Applicant: Sussex Design and Development

Case Officer: Graham Speller

Received 28/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 26/05/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED on 20/06/2023

Response on Y/41/23/PL

Erection of 4 No dwellings with associated landscaping, access and parking.

The Old Coal Yard North End Land Yapton BN18 0DN

YPC has fully considered the above application for 4 dwellings south of North End level crossing. This application is a departure from the Development Plan, lying outside the built up urban area and being remote from the Parish’s local facilities. YPC remain strongly oppose this application.

This site is not identified as a development site. Indeed, this plot was rejected as unsuitable

for housing during the Yapton Neighbour Plan 1 with the Examiner stating:

Whilst displaying built-up characteristics this area to the north of the

Crossroads (Maypole Lone/North End Road) is both distinct from and geographically separated from the built-up part of the village. It is approximately 1000 metres from the village centre, a walk of approximately 18 minutes. I also recommend the deletion of this site from the Plan (Yapton Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version Report by Independent Examiner Andrew Ashcroft 14 August 2014)

This thread of master planning has been reflected in both ADC Development plan and YNP2 by excluding this site for future development. It must be noted that this proposal is not infill in planning terms but development outside the BUAB.

YPC has strong reservations regarding the proximity of 3 additional vehicular access points directly onto North End Road and within 55m of the North End level crossing. This level crossing has a high incidence of vehicles ‘amber gambling’ at the crossing lights. The increase in traffic movements along this section of North End road will exacerbate an already dangerous section of road. YPC is of the view that any intensification of a traffic entering and exiting North End Road will create a traffic hazard on the level crossing.

YPC reiterates the remoteness of the plot from its community facilities (1 mile) and regard the site as unsustainable in terms of ease of access to community facilities.

YPC strongly object to this application.




Addition of Rear Conservatory on Plot 36

Plot 136,

Land at Street Buildings

North End Road


Applicant: Redrow Homes

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 28/04/2023

Comments due to ADC by 07/06/2023

Comments Submitted:

None submitted

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 14/06/2023




Fell 1 No. Leylandii Tree (T1).

45 Neptune Way


Applicant: Megan Shorter

Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 26/05/2023

Comments due to ADC by 22/06/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

WITHDRAWN on 05/07/2023

The PC object to this application on the grounds that there is a T PO on the tree verified by Mr Crowther (T PO/ Y / 2/017. The tree officer has advised the tree is not on the property of the applicant and there is no obvious reason given for the removal of this tree I given in this rather confusing application.




Full Planning Application for the erection of 170 residential dwellings; with access and parking, the provision of open space, play space and ecology areas with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, attenuation ponds and landscaping and associated works. This application is a Departure from the Development plan and affects a Public Right of Way.


Land West of Bilsham Road


Applicant: BoKlok Housing Ltd

Case Officer: Mr S Davis 

Received 02/06/2023

Comments due to ADC by 23/10/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Decision due at Committee on 15/11/2023


Land West of Bilsham Road Yapton BN18 0LA

Full Planning Application for the erection of 170 residential dwellings; with access and parking, the provision of open space, play space and ecology areas with associated vehicular and pedestrian access, attenuation ponds and landscaping and associated works.

1. Introduction

Yapton Parish Council (YPC) has given much consideration to the above planning application for 170 residential units at Land West of Bilsham Road. YPC is of the view that this application is a departure from the both the ALP and YNP and YNP2 (passed Reg 19 with all modifications approved and a Referendum date set, 12th September 2023) and should be refused planning consent.

It should be noted that whilst the applicant did hold a public open day, they only discussed their proposal in full with YPC after they had submitted their application. YPC feel this was a missed opportunity for the applicant to develop a masterplan that had genuine community input and more importantly fully addressed both the community and YPC’s deep concerns relating to this application in its current form. YPC is surprised that the applicant has failed to incorporate elements regarding design, environment and form which are reflected within the YNP2.

YPC have worked closely with ADC in contributing positively towards ADC’s Non-strategic Housing Delivery Policy (ALP 12.1.11) despite this policy now being abandoned by ADC without full and proper consultation with Parishes and the communities impacted by this Council led decision. YPC has, in full cooperation, increased its original Parish housing allocation through numerous speculative applications plus the small strategic housing site SD7 (550 units) which provides a combined total to 1,065 additional dwellings. A factor the Examiner for YNP2 fully noted and accepted stating:

the Parish has contributed significantly to the District’s housing delivery and there should not be a need to allocate further land for development over and above those which have already been consented and where construction has commenced.

The applicant’s site has a recent outline planning consent for 110 units in January 2023 not 170 units. This application has significantly and materially changed the land use of the overall plot with the additional housing eroding 50% of the net biodiversity gain of the former scheme. YPC does not view this as a material benefit to its community in terms of environmental benefit, sustainable benefit or indeed that there is currently a housing need for the additional 60 units as highlighted by the Examiner during YNP2 Examination.

YPC strongly object to this application on the following grounds:

2. Location and Character of the Site

The site is situated 0.5 miles south of the village centre. It lies outside the villages’ BUAB as designated within the ALP 2011-2031, YNP1 and emerging YNP2 where the Examiner has approved all modifications.

The parcel of land is clearly identified as rural hinterland. The site is also set amongst primarily open space/agricultural land and forms an important green edge to the village and protects the historic identity of the cluster of buildings known as Bilsham to the south. A new housing estate in this location would be erode Yapton’s rural identity.

The land is flat with limited features thus requiring careful consideration in terms of landscaping and building mass, to ensure no harm to the landscape value or erosion of Yapton’s historic identity.

YPC would seek any development to significantly improve the biodiversity of the landscape ensuring significant restoration to it natural form and environmental quality. Losing an addition 5 ha of the overall site to speculative housing.

3. Planning

The proposal fails to meet key policy criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and more importantly those of the ALP 2011- 2031 and YNP1 and the emerging YNP2, lying outside the existing built-up areas as defined in the ALP.

The applicant seems to rely heavily on the outcomes of the HELAA which YPC caution should be regarded as an informative and not as a policy document.

The current made YNP 2014 the following policies are relevant

3.2.1 The site is a departure from the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan

being outside the designated built-up area boundary, policy BB1.

3.2.2 The site fails to reflect the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan housing

policy H1 and is not an allocated site.

This proposal is not plan led and firmly places the local community’s needs and infrastructure deficiencies as a low priority. It clearly ignores the emerging YNP2 by failing to note the Examiners acknowledgement that Yapton has contributed significantly to ADC’s housing need and presently additional housing is not a high need in this Parish. It fails to acknowledge the YNP2 design guide which the Examiner commends and falls short of the YNP2 environmental policies. This disregard of the YPN2 clearly reflects the applicant’s lack of genuine community engagement.

4. Social/Community Facilities

YPC have grave concerns that the continued rapid growth of the village without a detailed and holistic approach to the overall Community’s social fabric will have a severe and significant detrimental impact on the whole community.

The proposal will place further pressure on Yapton primary School which is oversubscribed and still waiting to be extended to meet recent growth in the village excluding the applicant’s proposed additional 170 units.

In terms of Education YPC are deeply concerned whether the secondary school provision for the eastern sector of Arun, which includes Yapton, has sufficient capacity for new secondary students.

Whilst the proposal provides play areas for children below the age of 12 years all new developments remain silent on catering for young adults (12+years). Every new housing scheme within the village has a play area and absolutely no facilities for young adults in the Parish. This must be addressed. Yapton has an ongoing social problem with anti-social behaviour namely due to lack of resources for young adults. YPC would therefore expect any new development to fully cater for this age range in terms of outdoor facilities such as purpose-built football ground or additional skate park/BMX area along with substantial cycle network linking to Barnham and its train station. This would enable the young adults in Yapton to have a sense of belonging

and purpose within the village and access to appropriate facilities to facilitate health and wellbeing as well as sustainable access to the key transport hub facilitating access to employment and education.

YPC fail to see how this development can enhance the existing community until these shortfalls are overcome and proper future provision accounted.

YPC would also highlight that with the accumulative impact of current proposed housing in the Parish the need for an additional community building to support family groups, teenagers and classes, religious gatherings and clubs, library facility and a general start-up business hub is required. The current Yapton and Ford village Hall and Scout Hut buildings are near to full capacity for use leaving village groups and clubs no alternative but to seek accommodation outside of the Parish which simply erodes the Community’s sense of place and identity. YPC request that this be addressed via the planning system.

The only community facility being provided is 10 small community raised beds and a small area of fruit trees, to be managed and overseen by the incoming residents. YPC is concerned that whilst the allocation of communal space is commendable the amount provided is wholly inadequate for 170 households.

5. Highways/ Green connectivity

YPC note Highway England’s requirement that new housing within Yapton and surrounding areas cannot take place until the A27/Yapton Lane right turn lane mitigation is complete and open to use. YPC would therefore expect all Highway improvements in place and open prior to any further development in Yapton.

YPC continue to seek a green link-way/restricted byway/footpath circulating the western boundary of the BUAB running south to north. To ensure that this zone does not get eroded in design YPC insist that a condition is placed to ensure that the applicant’s scheme has an unfettered link way to the land to the north (SD7) as this would enable safe pedestrian offroad access to Yapton’s facilities and its Primary School.

6. Water/Flooding

Southern Water, in recent nearby applications have stated that they have reservations as to whether there is adequate water treatment capacity for additional housing in the area. Until a proper solution has been put in place by SW YPC would ask that this is fully investigated prior to any decisions being made on this application.

YPC also has concerns regarding the impact the scheme will have on water supplies, especially where both Portsmouth Water and Southern Water are identified as Serious within the Water stressed areas – final classification 2021 report published by the Environmental Agency. YPC therefore expect the applicant to clearly demonstrate water neutrality for this proposal to ensure that the scheme is sustainable in terms of water usage.

YPC request a more detailed assessment of the impact on the existing Rife to the west of the site and the development’s potential impact on Bilsham Manor. YPC is concerned that should flows increase along the Rife as a result of the proposal it will have a detrimental impact on Bilsham Manor and its setting especially with the notable increase in severe weather events and more concentrated downpours.

7. The Proposal

YPC regard the layout as wholly inappropriate in terms of layout, density and form. The proposal fails to reflect the rural edge of the southern edge of Yapton.

YPC regard the proposal as over development especially where it represents a 50% increase in built form over and above the previous application for this site. Any development outside the BUAB must reflect exemplar in both built form and social and environmental benefit to the community. The loss of valuable open space in a rural inland village where housing need is low is questionable.

The design fails to reflect the heritage of the village’s built form or indeed acknowledge the YPN2 design guide showing limited variety in materials, use of open space and landscaping. YPC request that a more varied use of materials and better use of additional finishes such as wood/wood effect and render-effect cladding along with flint effect on key buildings is adopted within the scheme. The better use of materials would soften the unit’s prefabricated urban design which is wholly inappropriate for the site and location.

YPC has concerns regarding the distribution of the affordable housing within the proposal. The applicant has failed to pepper-pot the affordable housing, creating ‘ghettos’ rather than fully integrating all housing types throughout the scheme. YPC would request that this is reviewed and amended before the application is taken further.

YPC also note that the provision of single storey units for the elderly have not been accommodated within the scheme. YPC expect some bungalow provision to be made available on all future schemes to enable elderly residents to downsize to appropriate accommodation within the Parish.

YPC note that the open space has been significantly reduced with 40% being designated as swales or equivalent. YPC would expect a scheme that promotes sustainability in buildings would also endorse the significance of open space for a community’s social wellbeing and request that the proposal is amended accordingly before being considered further.


The quality of landscaping is wholly inadequate for a rural edge beyond the villages BUAB.

8. Conclusion

YPC view this proposal as being totally disconnected in form, appearance and terms of connectivity with Yapton’s community, its facilities and its heritage. It is silent on meeting the needs of Yapton’s youth and elderly in any meaningful way and disregards the need for sustainable green connectivity within the Parish and its neighbouring areas.

YPC is of the view that the Parish has to date contributed positively towards Arun District Council’s housing supply on a District level and more than adequately allowed for the Parish’s actual immediate local need; significant weight must be placed on the Environmental and Social Benefits this scheme fails to meet.

YPC are of the view that the social benefits of this proposal are deficient along with there being no comprehensive proposed improvements to sustainable transport to ensure safe green connectivity with Yapton’s facilities.

YPC therefore request that this application is refused planning permission. At worse it should be deferred and redrawn to properly address the community and YPC’s concerns relating to density, design and landscaping.

Yapton Parish Council

21st June 2023




Proposed landscaped open space with fencing and parking in lieu of provision of sports facilities on site (Resubmission following FP/248/20/PL). This is a dual parish application with Yapton Parish Council and is in CIL Zone 4 (zero rated) as other development.

 Land South of A259 and off Stanhorn Grove


Applicant: Barratt David Wilson Homes

Case Officer: Mr S Davis

Received 02/06/2023

Comments due to ADC by 29/06/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Decision due on 25/08/2023

Response to Planning Application FP/77/23/PL

Yapton Parish Council object to this proposal most strongly as we desperately need sports pitches and associated facilities in the local area. Neither Yapton, nor Ford or Climping have such facilities and without pitches on which to play where are the opportunities for our young people to be able to play a range of team sports? Our young people are being totally forgotten about when it comes to local provision. We should be retaining and enhancing such sports provision in the area and a dedicated sports area would be a tremendous asset for the community and the wellbeing of all.




1 No. Oak (T1) spread reduction to 8m, height reduction to the Eastern aspect to 10m and crown lift to 3.5m from ground level.

59 Foundry Road


Applicant: Jason Miles

Case Officer: Adam Halpin

Received 14/07/2023

Comments due to ADC by 10/08/2023

Comments Submitted:

Yapton Parish Council support this application subject to any recommendations made by the ADC Tree Officer.

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 24/08/2023




Erection of detached single storey annexe in rear garden. Single storey side storeroom extension. Demolition of existing detached garage.

27 Goodhew Close


Applicant: Miss Masi-Bryce

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 14/07/2023

Comments due to ADC by 10/08/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 04/09/2023

Comments submitted on Y/65/23/PL:

YPC note that Southern Water advise the applicant to apply for "Ordinary Watercourse and Land Drainage Consent", with their application. This was not evident in their submission.

YPC note the objections from neighbours (28 and 30 Goodhew Close), principally about the construction of the extension right up to the boundary fence and taking its place. It is noted that one can only build up to 50mm from a boundary - not right up to it. The neighbour does not give permission regarding access to this new boundary, particularly during construction.

Additionally there are concerns over the guttering. With the building right up against their boundary the roof will overhang the neighbours' property. This is not acceptable.

The implied purpose of this extension for AirBnb does bring into question whether this is permitted development and also there are concerns about increased parking as a result of this application.

These concerns regarding approval not yet received from Southern Water and issues with the boundary and roof size which requires both clarification and modification, means YPC cannot support this application and therefore object to it.




Erection of 20 dwellings (including 6 affordable units) with new access, open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, biodiversity mitigation and associated works. This application may affect the character and appearance of the Main Road/Church Rd, Yapton Conservation area, is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and CIL Liable as new dwellings. (Resubmission of Y/149/22/PL).

Land West off Drove Lane

Main Road


Applicant:         Landlink Estates Ltd

Case Officer: Sue Field

Received 21/07/2023

Comments due to ADC by 17/08/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Decision due on at Committee on 15/11/2023

Comments submitted on Y/68/23/PL

Planning Reference Y/68/23/PL 

Land West of Drove Lane Main Road Yapton BN18 0DZ 

Erection of 20 dwellings (including 6 affordable units) with new access, open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, biodiversity mitigation and associated works 

Yapton Parish Council (YPC) has given careful consideration to the above application for 20 dwellings at land west of Drove Lane Main Road, Yapton. Whilst the applicant has provided improved detail concerning the proposed materials the principle of development in this location remains untenable. YPC continue to strongly object to housing at this location. 

YPC would reiterate its strong reluctance at losing open agricultural land especially open space that is key to the setting of a conservation area and historic Portsmouth and Arundel Canal to non-designated speculative housing development. YPC therefore strongly object to this proposal that will have both a detrimental impact on the historic nature of this location and importance of its setting along the Yapton Road, B2233.  

The B2233 Yapton Road/Main Road is the ‘gateway’ to Yapton’s historic quarter and informs the present day of Yapton’s rural identity, a highly valued characteristic which is clearly reflected in the master planning of SD7/Drove Lane development and its use of agricultural open space on the ‘Lambs Field’ fronting the B2233. 

YPC have worked closely with ADC in contributing positively towards ADC’s Non-strategic Housing Delivery Policy (ALP 12.1.11). YPC has, in full cooperation, increased its original Parish housing allocation through numerous speculative applications plus the small strategic housing site SD7 (550 units) which provides a combined total to 1,065 additional dwellings. Over 70% of these sites are in build or complete. A factor the Examiner for YNP2 fully noted and accepted stating: 

the Parish has contributed significantly to the District’s housing delivery and there should not be a need to allocate further land for development over and above those which have already been consented and where construction has commenced. 

The applicant’s site is neither an allocated site nor within the BUAB and consequently should be refused planning. 

YPC continues to regard this application as being an inappropriate addition to Yapton’s housing supply. YPC fail to understand how this new revised scheme addresses YPC’s previous objection or ADC’s Planning Officer’s own reason for refusal which stated in part: 

The proposed houses, by reason of design, appearance and materials are inappropriate in this edge of settlement location and will be harmful to the character and vernacular of the immediate area and by association with the setting of the Main Road/Church Road Conservation Area, the setting of the locally listed buildings to the north and the setting of the former Portsmouth and Arundel Canal to the south in conflict with policies D DM1, D SP1, HER SP1 and HER DM3 of the Arun Local Plan, the Arun Design Guide and the NPPF. 

YPC strongly object to this application on the following grounds: 

1. Location and Character of the Site 

The site is situated 0.5 miles west of the village centre. It lies outside the villages’ BUAB as designated within the ALP 2011-2031 and YNP along with the emerging modified YNP2. 

The parcel of land is clearly identified as rural hinterland being physically separated by Drove Lane and the ‘Lambs Field’. The site is also set amongst primarily open space/agricultural land and forms an important green edge to the village and former Portsmouth and Arundel Canal. A new housing estate in this location would be wholly inappropriate. 

2. Planning 

The proposal fails to meet key policy criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and more importantly those of the ALP 2011- 2031 and YNP, lying outside the existing built-up areas as defined in the ALP.  

The applicant seems to rely heavily on the outcomes of the HELAA which YPC caution should be regarded as an informative and not as a policy document. 

The current made YNP 2014 the following policies are relevant. 

3.2.1 The site is a departure from the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan being outside the designated built-up area boundary, policy BB1. 

3.2.2 The site fails to reflect the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan housing policy H1 and is not an allocated site.  

This proposal is not plan led and firmly places the local community’s needs and infrastructure deficiencies as a low priority. Whilst the 5 year housing supply is important it should not be the dominant factor determining the sustainability of a non-designated residential proposal lying outside the BUAB.  

3. Housing Need 

Arun District Council’s shortfall in meeting its 5 year housing supply should not be the sole factor in determining whether speculative non designated non infill housing should be allowed on greenfield sites which and located away from the actual granular District need.  

The Government has directed decision making away from the binary 5 year supply process towards one which is driven by genuine immediate local community need and environmental/social benefit. YPC is of the view, that on a local level, Yapton has contributed positively to ADC’s housing requirement - 1,000+ new houses built or in build over the last 5 years. Further additional housing in the Parish will now have a significant and detrimental impact on the Parish’s facilities and existing infrastructure and community’s wellbeing. The speed of growth over the last 5 years within the village has not been met by improvement and upgrade of community facilities appropriate to a village that has seen its housing provision baseline double in size. This unplanned growth has failed to provide genuine homes for real local Yapton families it has merely eroded the existing community fabric and placed incredible pressure on all community facilities which are all oversubscribed – primary school, doctor’s surgery, youth facilities etc. 

It should be noted that the 2015 IMD deprivation Index clearly illustrates that Yapton has been consistently failed from investment in improving education, child poverty, health and accommodating the needs of the elderly. Whereas, barriers to housing services, are not regarded as a significant barrier to the Parish. 

4.  The Proposal 

4.1 Layout 

The scheme in in terms of layout and open space has not been amended to any significant or beneficial manner. It remains a proposal that is isolated with poor sustainable links to the Yapton village and its facilities.   

The scheme fails to draw upon or even reflect the historic nature of the few linear/ribbon settlements which lie along this section of the B2233 in terms of density or scale. There appears a total disregard of the historic Portsmouth and Arundel Canal and its need for a genuine deep open landscaped setting to persevere and offset its historic importance. 

The scheme is divorced from and fails to relate to the main BUAB. It simply stands as an isolated satellite housing estate bring no architectural or community benefit to the parish and its defined BUAB. 

 4.2 Transport/Sustainable links 

The Parish has concerns regarding the transport solution/access to the proposal. The increased traffic movements will conflict with existing traffic flows. It will also conflict with the two new estate roads servicing housing schemes Drove Lane (SD7 550 units in build) and Bonhams Fields both exiting onto this section of the B2233 and all within 30m of each other.  

YPC would expect sustainable links improved and developed to allow the safe eventual passage of both pedestrians and cyclists to Barnham Rial station. 

 4.3 Social 

Yapton Primary School remains oversubscribed with no immediate start date for its expansion plans. Until this has been accommodated no further housing should be allowed in the Parish.  

It is also acknowledged that the medical provision in the village has reached capacity thus being unable to meet any new resident’s needs. YPC fail to see how this development can enhance the existing community until these shortfalls are overcome and proper future provision accounted.  

5.  Flooding 

YPC have grave concerns relating to flooding and continuous ongoing surface water flooding along this section of the B2233. The loss of this greenfield site to a built environment will merely exacerbate the current flooding problem further.  

YPC also note the planning application’s absence of an acceptable FRA & Drainage Strategy and insist that an up to date report in accordance with the NPPF, PPG Flood risk and coastal change or local policies is produced before any decision is made on this application. 

6. Conclusion 

YPC view this proposal as being totally disconnected from Yapton and its facilities.  

YPC has contributed positively towards Arun District Council’s housing supply on a District level and more than adequately allowed for the Parish’s actual immediate local need; significant weight must be placed on the both the Environmental and Social Benefits this scheme.  YPC can see none.

YPC are of the view that the scheme fails to reflect the heritage of this rural part of Yapton and degrades the appearance of the Portsmouth and Arundel Canal. It will increase the current flooding problem in this location. The social benefits are lacking.  

YPC therefore request that this application is refused planning permission. 




Conversion of existing conservatory into habitable accommodation.

14 St Marys Meadow


Applicant:        Mr and Mrs A Hughes

Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 11/08/2023

Comments due to ADC by 07/09/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Decision due on 28/09/2023

Response to Planning Application Y/76/23/HH

YPC have reviewed the application and observe that provided all building materials used are in keeping with the existing property and its neighbours then YPC are minded to approve this application.





Installation of 1 No. internally illuminated fascia sign, 1 No. totem sign and 7 No. flags to external site.

Land at Bilsham Road


Applicant: Bilsham Road Development LLP      

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 15/09/2023

Comments due to ADC by 12/10/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Decision due on 03/11/2023

Response to Planning Application Y/84/23/A

YPC object to a number of features of this proposal.

Firstly, the number of flags proposed is disproportionate! For construction sites of this number of houses, two flags is the norm and they should be not over 4.6m, not 5.2 m high. Seven flags are certainly not needed. They would also constitute a considerable noise problem with seven flags being buffeted by the wind,the noise of which will impact upon existing residents for a considerable period of time. The illuminated totem / fascia signage is unnecessary as the site is in a semi-rural area. The lit sign will impact on local residents and interfere with local fauna, eg bats and owls which were known to be in the area prior to the development! The roadside visibility is unrestricted so developers require the bare minimum of signage, just like the many other developments in the village! YPC therefore object to the current proposal




Proposed 2 bedroom - 2 storey house with garden and landscaping features. This application is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL liable as a new dwelling.


Land adjacent to 35 Roemead Drive


Applicant:        Lauren Wallace

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 22/09/2023

Comments due to ADC by 24/10/2023

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Decision due on 10/11/2023

Updated by ADG 16/10/2023