Planning Applications outstanding as at 15th May 2024

Planning Applications outstanding as at 15th May 2024

Updated as at 15th May 2024

Yapton Parish Council – Planning Committee

Schedule of Planning Applications received, comments submitted and applications decided between January 2024 to 15th May 2024

Plus applications received in 2023 and not decided until 2024

Planning List Number

Date Planning Application received

Planning Application Reference

Planning Application, Location, Applicant, Case Officer

Comments submitted or Dates due for submission




Erection of 20 dwellings (including 6 affordable units) with new access, open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, biodiversity mitigation and associated works. This application may affect the character and appearance of the Main Road/Church Rd, Yapton Conservation area, is a Departure from the Development Plan and is in CIL Zone 3 and CIL Liable as new dwellings. (Resubmission of Y/149/22/PL).

Land West off Drove Lane

Main Road


Applicant:         Landlink Estates Ltd

Case Officer: Sue Field

Received 21/07/2023

Comments due to ADC by 17/08/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED at Committee on 14/02/2024

Comments submitted on Y/68/23/PL

Planning Reference Y/68/23/PL 

Land West of Drove Lane Main Road Yapton BN18 0DZ 

Erection of 20 dwellings (including 6 affordable units) with new access, open space, landscaping, sustainable drainage, biodiversity mitigation and associated works 

Yapton Parish Council (YPC) has given careful consideration to the above application for 20 dwellings at land west of Drove Lane Main Road, Yapton. Whilst the applicant has provided improved detail concerning the proposed materials the principle of development in this location remains untenable. YPC continue to strongly object to housing at this location. 

YPC would reiterate its strong reluctance at losing open agricultural land especially open space that is key to the setting of a conservation area and historic Portsmouth and Arundel Canal to non-designated speculative housing development. YPC therefore strongly object to this proposal that will have both a detrimental impact on the historic nature of this location and importance of its setting along the Yapton Road, B2233.  

The B2233 Yapton Road/Main Road is the ‘gateway’ to Yapton’s historic quarter and informs the present day of Yapton’s rural identity, a highly valued characteristic which is clearly reflected in the master planning of SD7/Drove Lane development and its use of agricultural open space on the ‘Lambs Field’ fronting the B2233. 

YPC have worked closely with ADC in contributing positively towards ADC’s Non-strategic Housing Delivery Policy (ALP 12.1.11). YPC has, in full cooperation, increased its original Parish housing allocation through numerous speculative applications plus the small strategic housing site SD7 (550 units) which provides a combined total to 1,065 additional dwellings. Over 70% of these sites are in build or complete. A factor the Examiner for YNP2 fully noted and accepted stating: 

the Parish has contributed significantly to the District’s housing delivery and there should not be a need to allocate further land for development over and above those which have already been consented and where construction has commenced. 

The applicant’s site is neither an allocated site nor within the BUAB and consequently should be refused planning. 

YPC continues to regard this application as being an inappropriate addition to Yapton’s housing supply. YPC fail to understand how this new revised scheme addresses YPC’s previous objection or ADC’s Planning Officer’s own reason for refusal which stated in part: 

The proposed houses, by reason of design, appearance and materials are inappropriate in this edge of settlement location and will be harmful to the character and vernacular of the immediate area and by association with the setting of the Main Road/Church Road Conservation Area, the setting of the locally listed buildings to the north and the setting of the former Portsmouth and Arundel Canal to the south in conflict with policies D DM1, D SP1, HER SP1 and HER DM3 of the Arun Local Plan, the Arun Design Guide and the NPPF. 

YPC strongly object to this application on the following grounds: 

1. Location and Character of the Site 

The site is situated 0.5 miles west of the village centre. It lies outside the villages’ BUAB as designated within the ALP 2011-2031 and YNP along with the emerging modified YNP2. 

The parcel of land is clearly identified as rural hinterland being physically separated by Drove Lane and the ‘Lambs Field’. The site is also set amongst primarily open space/agricultural land and forms an important green edge to the village and former Portsmouth and Arundel Canal. A new housing estate in this location would be wholly inappropriate. 

2. Planning 

The proposal fails to meet key policy criteria set out in the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF), and more importantly those of the ALP 2011- 2031 and YNP, lying outside the existing built-up areas as defined in the ALP.  

The applicant seems to rely heavily on the outcomes of the HELAA which YPC caution should be regarded as an informative and not as a policy document. 

The current made YNP 2014 the following policies are relevant. 

3.2.1 The site is a departure from the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan being outside the designated built-up area boundary, policy BB1. 

3.2.2 The site fails to reflect the made Yapton Neighbourhood Plan housing policy H1 and is not an allocated site.  

This proposal is not plan led and firmly places the local community’s needs and infrastructure deficiencies as a low priority. Whilst the 5 year housing supply is important it should not be the dominant factor determining the sustainability of a non-designated residential proposal lying outside the BUAB.  

3. Housing Need 

Arun District Council’s shortfall in meeting its 5 year housing supply should not be the sole factor in determining whether speculative non designated non infill housing should be allowed on greenfield sites which and located away from the actual granular District need.  

The Government has directed decision making away from the binary 5 year supply process towards one which is driven by genuine immediate local community need and environmental/social benefit. YPC is of the view, that on a local level, Yapton has contributed positively to ADC’s housing requirement - 1,000+ new houses built or in build over the last 5 years. Further additional housing in the Parish will now have a significant and detrimental impact on the Parish’s facilities and existing infrastructure and community’s wellbeing. The speed of growth over the last 5 years within the village has not been met by improvement and upgrade of community facilities appropriate to a village that has seen its housing provision baseline double in size. This unplanned growth has failed to provide genuine homes for real local Yapton families it has merely eroded the existing community fabric and placed incredible pressure on all community facilities which are all oversubscribed – primary school, doctor’s surgery, youth facilities etc. 

It should be noted that the 2015 IMD deprivation Index clearly illustrates that Yapton has been consistently failed from investment in improving education, child poverty, health and accommodating the needs of the elderly. Whereas, barriers to housing services, are not regarded as a significant barrier to the Parish. 

4.  The Proposal 

4.1 Layout 

The scheme in in terms of layout and open space has not been amended to any significant or beneficial manner. It remains a proposal that is isolated with poor sustainable links to the Yapton village and its facilities.   

The scheme fails to draw upon or even reflect the historic nature of the few linear/ribbon settlements which lie along this section of the B2233 in terms of density or scale. There appears a total disregard of the historic Portsmouth and Arundel Canal and its need for a genuine deep open landscaped setting to persevere and offset its historic importance. 

The scheme is divorced from and fails to relate to the main BUAB. It simply stands as an isolated satellite housing estate bring no architectural or community benefit to the parish and its defined BUAB. 

  4.2 Transport/Sustainable links 

The Parish has concerns regarding the transport solution/access to the proposal. The increased traffic movements will conflict with existing traffic flows. It will also conflict with the two new estate roads servicing housing schemes Drove Lane (SD7 550 units in build) and Bonhams Fields both exiting onto this section of the B2233 and all within 30m of each other.  

YPC would expect sustainable links improved and developed to allow the safe eventual passage of both pedestrians and cyclists to Barnham Rial station. 

  4.3 Social 

Yapton Primary School remains oversubscribed with no immediate start date for its expansion plans. Until this has been accommodated no further housing should be allowed in the Parish.  

It is also acknowledged that the medical provision in the village has reached capacity thus being unable to meet any new resident’s needs. YPC fail to see how this development can enhance the existing community until these shortfalls are overcome and proper future provision accounted.  

5.  Flooding 

YPC have grave concerns relating to flooding and continuous ongoing surface water flooding along this section of the B2233. The loss of this greenfield site to a built environment will merely exacerbate the current flooding problem further.  

YPC also note the planning application’s absence of an acceptable FRA & Drainage Strategy and insist that an up to date report in accordance with the NPPF, PPG Flood risk and coastal change or local policies is produced before any decision is made on this application. 

6. Conclusion 

YPC view this proposal as being totally disconnected from Yapton and its facilities.  

YPC has contributed positively towards Arun District Council’s housing supply on a District level and more than adequately allowed for the Parish’s actual immediate local need; significant weight must be placed on the both the Environmental and Social Benefits this scheme.  YPC can see none.


YPC are of the view that the scheme fails to reflect the heritage of this rural part of Yapton and degrades the appearance of the Portsmouth and Arundel Canal. It will increase the current flooding problem in this location. The social benefits are lacking.  

YPC therefore request that this application is refused planning permission. 




Part conversion of existing dwelling to form one separate holiday letting unit. This application is in CIL zone 3 (zero rated) as other development.

Baytree Cottage

North End Road


Applicant: Mr / Ms Foster  

Case Officer: Harry Chalk

Received 24/11/2023

Comments due to ADC by 21/12/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 10/01/2024

Response to Y/98/23/PL

YPC have reviewed this application, and provided there are conditions ensuring there is adequate off-street parking and the unit cannot be let out for more than 50 weeks per year - YPC have no objections.




Extension and alterations to existing dwelling and change of use of land to residential garden. This application is in CIL Zone 3 and is CIL Liable.  (Departure to the local plan).


Bilsham Lane


Applicant: Mr and Mrs Morgan         

Case Officer: Harry Chalk

Received 01/12/2023

Comments due to ADC by 30/12/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

WITHDRAWN on 16/01/2024

Response to Y/95/23/PL

The proposal lies in a designated area of character as per YNP2, and must therefore clearly demonstrate with its design a positive contribution towards this area of character. The proposal is sited on elevated land with little existing landscaping to soften the proposed extension. Any extension should not, under planning regulations be more than 50% the size of the existing property. This proposal is larger than 50% with the proposed extension dominating the existing dwelling. This extension should be reduced in size to ensure minimal impact on Bilsham Lane - YPC therefore object to this application.




Create a first floor living space in existing double garage for additional bedroom and shower room with access staircase and 4 No. rooflights, 1 No. entrance door.

19 St Marys Meadow


Applicant: Jaime Relf

Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 01/12/2023

Comments due to ADC by 30/12/2023

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 16/01/2024

Response to Y/99/23/HH

YPC note that this proposal results in the loss of one designated parking space. St Mary’s Meadow has limited residents’ and visitors’ parking provision. YPC would expect planning consent to be granted only if the current parking standards have been clearly met to accommodate for the loss of this one place. YPC recommend this condition be attached prior to any approval of this application.  Note is also taken regarding the sewerage / drainage management requirements which need to be ascertained as to whether they will be adjoining the existing foul water system or going to a septic tank - YPC have no objections subject to these conditions being met.




Construction of barn to provide stables, indoor equestrian riding arena and agricultural storage including alterations to existing access, parking area and associated landscaping. This application is in CIL Zone 3 (Zero Rated) as other development and is a Departure from the Development Plan

Land west of Hoe Lane and east of A259 Charles Purley Way


Applicant: Flansham Farms Ltd

Case Officer: Andrew Cotton

Received 08/12/2023

Comments due to ADC by 07/01/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED on 26/04/2024

Response to Y/102/23/PL

The proposal is located within an open flat area with little existing landscaping in the plan to soften the impact of such a substantial building on its surroundings which includes both a designated local green space and a Biodiversity Opportunity Area. The plan does not allow for significant landscaping to mitigate the overbearing nature of the development and lacks a management proposal to clearly demonstrate how the development will positively contribute in diversity terms to this sensitive area. 

Additionally, Simon Davis noted on 7/12/23 that the area is subject to the likelihood of flooding in the future and both details of drainage and sewerage are insufficiently stated. 

The indoor arena is likely to have a commercial usage yet this is not stated in the application which is misleading. 

There is no evidence of a clear sustainable travel plan to and from the site to ensure it is both accessible on foot, bike and horse without the need for vehicular transport. For the purposes of inclusivity, YPC would expect improvements to be included and made to the byway/ bridleway to / from the site linking it to its immediate rural backdrop. 

Finally, YPC would question the local need for an equestrian centre and would consider the employment opportunities offered would be negligible.




Retrospective planning application for a garage conversion.

28 Downview Road


Applicant: Ms Linda Charvill

Case Officer: Hebe Smith

Received 08/12/2023

Comments due to ADC by 07/01/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 11/01/2024

Response submitted on Y/104/23/HH

YPC were surprised to receive this application retrospectively, with no explanation as to why the applicant had not gone through the normal planning process. We note that this is one of three garages and therefore this development is out of keeping with the design of the garages and sets a precedent for other such development. We note the objection from a neighbour. We would insist that all building regulations must be shown  to have been complied with and that occupation cannot occur until the structure, party wall and insulation requirements have all been proven to have been met. We would also expect a drainage and sewerage report to be ready for inspection too.

YPC note with concern that this development has been undertaken either knowingly or unknowingly without planning permission and that if the regulations have not been met then the structure should be removed.




4 No dwellings comprising 2 x 3-bed semi-detached houses and 1 x 4-bed and 1 x 5-bed detached house with associated car ports, cycle and bin storage, parking, landscaping and internal access road (resubmission following Y/7/23/PL).

This application affects the setting of listed buildings, affects the character and appearance of the Main Road/Church Road Conservation Area and is in CIL Zone 2 and is CIL Liable as new dwellings.

Received 26/01/2024

Comments due to ADC by 22/02/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED at Committee on 17/04/2024

Response to Y/1/24/PL

- YPC note the strong concerns and objections from local residents; they point to the application of 2020 on the same plot that was dismissed on the grounds of 'being over-bearing and over-shadowing. Less impactful was the outline planning permission given for a bungalow on this site previously', state residents.

- YPC has strong concerns regarding the proposed vehicular access and egress to the new dwelling. The driveway is sited directly in line with an existing estate T-junction which will lead to direct conflict. YPC insists that adequate safety measures are adopted to ensure that there is no potential conflict with vehicular movement. YPC would suggest that the car barn is set further back into the sites to enable safe off-road movements thus avoiding any on-road hazard.

- YPC expect the proposed unit to reflect both the design and materials outlined in the YNP2 design guide and would request that appropriate conditions are applied should the application be granted planning permission.

- YPC request that a full landscaping plan is submitted for approval which confirms that there is a biodiversity net gain.

- YPC understand that the proposed dwelling is sited over existing utilities - mains drainage etc. YPC expect the applicant to fully address and ensure there is no harm or interference with these utilities which may impact neighbouring properties through fully diverting the utilities at their own costs or ensuring a suitable alternative is provided to those neighbouring properties affected.

- YPC request that should the application be approved that the site management plan does not allow any construction work over weekends and/or bank holidays to ensure noise, dust and other such disturbances are kept to a minimum at weekends for the neighbouring households' benefit.

- YPC also expect a full site management plan to be agreed to ensure minimum conflict with site/delivery vehicles attending the site with both neighbours and the deliveries to the nearby shops and bus stop.

- YPC objects to this application and requests that it is not approved




Application for permission in

principle for up to 3 No residential dwellings. This application also lies within the parish of Yapton.

Land at Toddhurst Farmhouse Lake Lane


Applicant: Mr C Halstead

Toddhurst Farmhouse

Case Officer: Simon Davis

Received 09/02/2024

Comments due to ADC by 27/02/2024

Comments Submitted:

No Comments

Current Status

REFUSED ON  15/03/2024




Installation of 2 No. non-illuminated double sided totem signs.

Land at Drove Farm


Applicant: Barratt David Wilson Southern

Case Officer: Hebe Smith

Received 23/02/2024

Comments due to ADC by 21/03/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 11/04/2024

Response to Y/10/24/A

YPC feel that one such sign would be appropriate and would not be a distraction to residents and drivers, and therefore would support this application on the proviso that the number of such signs is reduced to one.




Two storey side extension.

35 Roemead Drive


Applicant: Miss L. Wallace

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 01/03/2024

Comments due to ADC by 10/04/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED at Committee on 17/04/2024

Response to Application Y/6/24/HH

YPC note with some dismay that this application is a virtual duplicate of application Y/83/23/PL which ADC refused planning permission for on 10.11.23. There have been a considerable number of objections from local residents, some of whom have cited ADC's original objections which apply once again to this application, namely-

'that the proposal will appear adversely out of character with the established spatial plan of the area and would result in material harm to the character and appearance of the street scene, in conflict with D DMI of the Arun Local Plan and H4 of the Yapton Neighbourhood Development Plan 2.

The proposal will appear as a harmful over development of a natural buffer purposely left as green open space between developments, in conflict with D DMI and ENV SP1 of the Arun Local Plan and H4 of YND Plan 2.

The applicant has failed to provide sufficient ecological details, mitigation and enhancement measures to demonstrate that there would be no unacceptable impacts upon habitats as a result of the loss of established hedgerow in conflict with policies: ENV DM5, ENV SP1 of the Arun Local Plan, and E3 and E4 of the YND Plan 2.'

YPC consider that there is no other alternative for ADC other than to refuse this application and YPC therefore object to this application in the strongest terms.




Installation of 2 No. freestanding

non-illuminated 'Coming Soon'

fascia signs in relation to the launch

of new homes for sales.

Lambs Field

Bilsham Roam


Applicant: BoKlok Housing Limited

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 08/03/2024

Comments due to ADC by 19/04/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally 22/04/2024

Response to Y/16/24/A

YPC have considered this application. The location plan fails to identify where the signs are to be located within the applicants' site. It is impossible to provide a full response without understanding where the signs are to be located and what impact they are likely to have on traffic safety or adjoining properties.

Secondly, the height of the proposed signs is disproportionate to its message. An advertising sign of 4.5m is excessive and higher than some of the housing along Bilsham Road. It will dominate the existing streetscape.

YPC expect these signs to be significantly reduced in height.

YPC, without having the actual location of each sign confirmed by the applicant, fails to recognise the need for 2 signs. YPC would strongly suggest that only one sign is considered should this application progress and at a dramatically reduced height and size.

YPC feel this application should be withdrawn and resubmitted with all the correct details.

Therefore, YPC object to this application.




Outline planning application with all

matters reserved for 1 No. two

storey dwelling and a garage.

Land at Kings Close


Applicant: Prime Securities Limited

Case Officer: Hannah Kersley

Received 15/03/2024

Comments due to ADC by 29/04/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

REFUSED at Committee on 03/05/2024

Response to Y/13/24/OUT

- YPC note the strong concerns and objections from local residents; they point to the application of 2020 on the same plot that was dismissed on the grounds of 'being over-bearing and over-shadowing. Less impactful was the outline planning permission given for a bungalow on this site previously', state residents.

- YPC has strong concerns regarding the proposed vehicular access and egress to the new dwelling. The driveway is sited directly in line with an existing estate T-junction which will lead to direct conflict. YPC insists that adequate safety measures are adopted to ensure that there is no potential conflict with vehicular movement. YPC would suggest that the car barn is set further back into the sites to enable safe off-road movements thus avoiding any on-road hazard.

- YPC expect the proposed unit to reflect both the design and materials outlined in the YNP2 design guide and would request that appropriate conditions are applied should the application be granted planning permission.

- YPC request that a full landscaping plan is submitted for approval which confirms that there is a biodiversity net gain.

- YPC understand that the proposed dwelling is sited over existing utilities - mains drainage etc. YPC expect the applicant to fully address and ensure there is no harm or interference with these utilities which may impact neighbouring properties through fully diverting the utilities at their own costs or ensuring a suitable alternative is provided to those neighbouring properties affected.

- YPC request that should the application be approved that the site management plan does not allow any construction work over weekends and/or bank holidays to ensure noise, dust and other such disturbances are kept to a minimum at weekends for the neighbouring households' benefit.

- YPC also expect a full site management plan to be agreed to ensure minimum conflict with site/delivery 10th April 2024 vehicles attending the site with both neighbours and the deliveries to the nearby shops and bus stop.

- YPC objects to this application and requests that it is not approved




Single storey front and rear

extension, part garage conversion

and external alterations.

37 Cherry Avenue


Applicant: Mrs Albury

Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 15/03/2024

Comments due to ADC by 13/04/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally 02/05/2024

Response to Y/19/24/HH

- YPC have considered this application and would seek to ensure that the existing off road parking provision is maintained and not reduced.

- YPC note that the applicant is proposing a pitched roof over the extended area on the front elevation of the building. This is out of keeping with the rest of the avenue where all ground floor protruding extensions have a flat roof. YPC question whether this erosion of the existing streetscape is appropriate and whether the elevational treatment requires amendment to ensure the extension blends in with the existing streetscape.

- YPC objects to this application and requests that it is not approved




Proposed roof extension.

Flansham Cottage

Hoe Lane


Applicant: Mr & Mrs Fox

Case Officer: Aishwarya Reddy

Received 28/03/2024

Comments due to ADC by 25/04/2024

Comments Submitted:

See below

Current Status

Approved Conditionally on 13/05/2024

YPC have reviewed this application. We would expect the necessary conditions to apply regarding the use of appropriate and sympathetic materials used, to ensure the character and historical context of Hoe Lane is retained and enhanced. Accordingly, YPC have no objections to this application.




Permanent siting of 8 workers

caravans, 1 utility caravan with the creation of associated access paths, drainage & sewage utilities and associated infrastructure and landscaping. This application is in CIL zone 3 (zero rated) as other development.

Fleurie Nursery

Lake Lane


Applicant: Fleurie Nursery Ltd

Case Officer: Amber Willard

Received 26/04/2024

Comments due to ADC by 24/05/2024

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Decision due on 18/06/2024





Two storey side/rear extensions.


18 West View Drive



Applicant: Mr & Mrs Roberts-Davies

Case Officer: Hannah Riddle

Received 10/05/2024

Comments due to ADC by 07/06/2024

Comments Submitted:

Not yet submitted

Current Status

Decision due at Committee on 25/06/2024

Updated by ADG 15/05/2024