Parish Council Meetings - 15th May 2023
The next meetings of the Yapton Parish Council and Yapton Planning Committee are due to be held on the 15th May 2023 commencing at 7.00pm.
This will be the first meeting of the newly constituted Council following the local elections held on the 4th May 2023.
The Agendas for the meetings are available to view here:
2) Annual Meeting of Yapton Parish Council (AGM);
3) Yapton Parish Council Meeting: followed by
4) Yapton Planning Committee.
The Agendas will published on Tuesday 9th May 2023
Please click on the highlighted section to access the agendas when available.
The meetings will be held in the Club Room at the Yapton & Ford Village Hall, Main Road Yapton.
The meetings are open to Members of the Public and you are very welcome to attend.
Andrew Gardiner
Clerk of the Council
9th May 2023